Positive Absorption, Vacancy Trends Hold Up Despite Soft Patch In Economic Recovery by Costar The rebound in office-using jobs is spreading to smaller businesses, which dominated office leasing activity during…
Two Zones that offer incentives are KIZ and KOZ’s. Please see below for the basic definitions of these two zones. There are numerous economic development groups that can assist in submitting…
Check out Team Cole on these Social Networks. For the link to the corresponding network see below. Team Cole Website: http://www.Bryan-Cole.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/NAI-Keystone-Commercial-Industrial-LLC/67185311894 Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/Bryan_Cole LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bryanecole WordPress – Blog: …
NAI Keystone’s Bryan Cole and John Buccinno publisher of The Greater Reading Commercial & Industrial Real Estate Newsletter publish Novembers edition. NAI Keystone representing a large market share of commercial…
NAI Keystone’s Bryan Cole and John Buccinno are named exclusive leasing reps for Temple Plaza. The site is a retail strip center located along busy route 422/5th street hwy. The…